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Star Wars Unlimited Custom Cards (Bounty Hunters)

Updated: Sep 23

I make a lot of custom cards for the X-Wing miniatures game however after its cancellation I’ve found a new love in this amazing game. Even though FFG is pumping out lots of new cards I still haven’t been able to shut off the part of my brain that loves to make custom stuff so I’ve made a handful of cards, all based on bounty hunters, that I think could be fun!

Please be aware none of my cards are tested or properly balanced in any way, it's all just for fun!

IG-88 (Aggressive Automaton)

Image Artist: Mahmud Asrar

I’m surprised that they haven’t yet made an IG-88 unit so we have units for all the classic bounty hunters. I tried to capture a similar design to its leader card, wanting many units on the board. It also reflects the legends lore that had IG-88 preparing to lead a massive droid revolution before its destruction.

IG-2000 (IG-88’s Aggressor)

Image Artist: Anthony Devine

The IG-2000’s card is designed to help both the official leader card and my custom unit card by keeping your droid spam going!

Hound’s Tooth (Bossk’s Pride)

Image Artist: Can’t find, used by FFG for Bossk’s X-Wing Pilot Card

With Boba and Dengar's ships getting a unique unit card, I was surprised we didn’t get the rest of the classic hunter’s ships as unit cards in the last packs. Bossk’s Hound’s Tooth pairs well with his leader and unit cards.

Shadow Caster (Ketsu's Lancer)

Image Artist: Darren Tan

My design for the Shadow Caster gives your Light Side decks a way to give your cheap units ambush at the cost of exhausting the Shadow Caster, not that it is much of a price as the Shadow Caster has a minimal damage output.

Asajj Ventress (Exiled Hunter)

Image Artist: Can’t find, used on the Dark Disciple book

Ventress’s bounty hunter uint card shows how well she thrives in the bounty hunter lifestyle, with her ability to play force event cards for a cheaper cost after collecting bounties.

Moralo Eval (Criminal Mastermind)

Image Artist: Steve Hamilton

Although not a bounty hunter or one of their ships like the rest of these cards, Moralo was used by Count Dooku to coordinate a team of bounty hunters to attempt to capture Palpatine. Because of this, his card lets him direct your bounty hunters to attack units with bounties more effectively.

Boba Fett (Krayt's Claw Commander)

Image Artist: Oliver Morit

Yet another Fett, but I wanted to make a card to represent him during his youth when he led the Krayt’s Claws. This card is similar to Dodonna or Veers as it gives all bounty hunters +1/+1, however, to show his youth, it is only active while he is active, letting your allies exploit this if they can.

Boushh (Ubese Freelancer)

Image Artist: Mahmud Asrar

Although the Boushh we see in episode 6 is just Leia pretending to be him, I’ve styled his card around how Leia acted, assuming that her impression of him was accurate, with you getting a fiery send-off unless a player pays him to keep his detonator from exploding.

Bric (Maser Chief)

Image Artist: Image from the Clone Wars

One of the two bounty hunters hired by the Republic to train the clone army after Jango’s death, Bric was a brutal trainer and often put his cadets down. This harsh mentality to training inspired his card design.

El-Les (Sympahetic Instructor)

Image Artist: Image from the Clone Wars

Of the other bounty hunters hired by the Republic to train the clone army after Jango’s death, El-Les was much more kind to his cadets than his colleague. His ability again shows this by boosting clone token health which works well with Bric’s clone damaging ability.

Durge (Hard to Kill)

Image Artist: Sara Pichelli

Durge is a card I really hope will be revealed soon in the upcoming Twilight of the Republic pack. With this in mind, I have designed this card to encapsulate his unkillable nature, which I hope is also reflected in the official card.

Cad Bane (Faster)

Image Artist: Unknown

This version of Cad Bane shows off his quick draw skills, letting you pay a resource to get off a quick shot before his opponents have a chance to deal with him.

Mist Hunter (Duo’s Protector)

Image Artist: Stephen Chang

Instead of being designed solely around 4-LOM and Zuckuss who own her, the Mist Hunter’s ability is a little more inspired by the design of the generic Smuggler’s Starfighter that is of the same ship type as the Mist Hunter. It also helps you keep 4-LOM alive so Zuckuss can take advantage of his friend’s ambush, however, losing 4-LOM may just be a me problem!

Zam Wesell (Clawdite Changeling)

Image Artist: Unknown

Zam Wessel is another card I can easily see us getting in the Twilight of the Republic, her ability is basic but powerful, letting you copy the keywords, traits and aspects of any other ground unit so you can blend in. I made her ability trigger while playing so you could copy a units exploit trait if needed.

Auromae Iselo (Searching For Justice)

Image Artist: Image from the Solo

A bounty hunter who decided to begin working with Enfist Nest after seeing the evils of the Empire. He is a more powerful Cloud Rider with additional health and an ability that makes his ambush attack deadly. He would definitely pair well with any cards that bounce him back into your hand.

Latts Razzi (Martial Artist)

Image Artist: Martin de Diego Sádaba

A bounty hunter skilled in martial arts, Latts’ ability shows off her ability to disarm enemies she is attacking. She can either reduce the incoming damage or the opponent's total health.

C-21 Highsinger (Independent Droid)

Image Artist: Image from the Clone Wars

One of the members of Krayt’s Claw, Highsinger is a deadly assassin droid that would be an asset to any blue deck. His Grit and Shielded combo seem unusual until you read his ability, which lets you pick and choose when that shield pops.

Halo (Our Ride)

Image Artist: I combined an image from the Clone Wars of Felucia and the Halo

The Halo was Sugi’s ship during the Clone Wars, transporting her around the galaxy from target to target. I felt it was fitting to give the Halo an ability that aids Sugi, allowing her to trigger her sentinel ability.

Jas Emari (Sugi’s Neice)

Image Artist: Eli Baumgartner

Sugi’s Neice, Jas aided the New Republic the year after the Battle of Endor, taking down important Imperial targets. Her ability is designed to work with her aunt’s ship the Halo, which was given to her, letting her discard upgrades, like shield tokens, to reduce the attack and health of enemy units she’s hitting.

Rako Hardeen (Under Cover Kenobi)

Image Artist: Unknown

As we see very little of the real Rako, I decided to let this version be based on Kenobi’s undercover Rako. Because of this, if you play this card in a dark side deck Kenobi will struggle to keep up his cover and make deadly attacks, however, he is still very useful as he is a hard-to-kill sentient unit.


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed my custom cards! Please give me any feedback as I said, they are not properly balanced. I’ll probably make more in the future as I’ve got loads more ideas for potential cards!

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