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Star Wars Unlimited Custom Cards (Bases and Structures)



Although I'm sure they'll eventually make 35 health bases with negative abilities, I've decided to develop some designs for them. Each one grants your opponent an advantage based on the aspect type of your base. I've also, without meaning to, made each of them a base or place from Rebels, a happy accident!

Fort Anaxes

Image Artist: Image from the Clone Wars

Seen both in the Clone Wars and Rebels, this base is where we first meet the Bad Batch as well as where we see Hera and Sabine go to get supplies during the first season of Rebels. This base's health is offset by the extra damage your opponent can do each round, thanks to the deadly creatures that have made this base home.

Imperial Complex

Image Artist: Image from Rebels

Lothal’s capital city dome may have been a great way for the Empire's soldiers and staff to hide in an emergency, but as the Spectres showed, it can also be an easy way to trap them. This is shown through your inability to do anything in round one. This is of course a risk, but if you, like me, can't seem to draw one or two cost cards, you're in luck!

Garel City

Image Artist: Image from Rebels

This base is where the Spectors and Phoenix Group hid during the first half of season two until Ezra is recorded talking about the base. Its poorly kept secret is reflected in your opponent’s ability to keep spying on one of the cards you draw each round.

Abandoned Medical Station

Image Artist: Image from Rebels

Used by two inquisitors to attempt to trap Ezra, Sabine and Zeb, yet the Spectres could still escape the station with their lives and supplies. The Empire should have removed the supplies before setting the trap. I show this poor planning through your opponents being able to heal their bases each round for free.


I’ve also created six new unit cards that all have a new Keyword; Structures. This keyword denotes that the unit it is on is actually a structure within your base. This means it is damaged whenever your base is also damaged. Despite this drawback, these structures provide your base with powerful bonuses:

Turbolaser Emplacement (XX-10 Turbolaser Tower)

Image Artist: Image from New Hope

This card adds defensive Turbolasers to your base, meaning every time your opponent attacks your base, their units are not safe from damage.

Comm Tower (LothalNet Tower)

Image Artist: Image from Rebels

The addition of a comm tower to your base keeps your units on their toes, letting them ready if your base is attacked.

Ion Cannon (v-150 Planet Defender)

Image Artist: Ralph McQuarrie

An ion cannon in your base helps stun your opponents, giving you a quick bonus event card in each round.

Planetary Shield (DSS-02 Shield Generator)

Image Artist: I cannot find the original artist

Adding a powerful shield to your base is beneficial as your opponent's units have to go through it to get to your base.

Jedi Grand Temple (The Order’s Home)

Image Artist: Image from Revenge of the Sith

A hero-specific structure, the Jedi Grand Temple allows you to heal damage off of your friendly units as an action.

Fortress Vader (Darth Vader's Castle)

Image Artist: Cristi Balanescu

The villain version of the Jedi Grand Temple, with inverse ability to inflict damage on your enemies.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed my custom cards! Please give me any feedback as I always want to improve my designs and I’ll probably make more in the future as I’ve got loads more ideas for potential cards!



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