Although we have a handful of sequel cards and it's just a matter of time before we get many more I wanted to make some of my own. I’ve started with Resistance cards, but I’ve got First Order cards on the way!

Poe Dameron (Reckless Flyboy)
Image Artist: MaximusSupremo
Poe’s leader abilities lean into his skills as a pilot but show his recklessness with his squamate's lives. It also ties into unit Poe and Black One’s abilities as it also requires you to discard cards to give out the benefits.

Amilyn Holdo (Eccentric Admiral)
Image Artist: Can’t find, use for Galaxy of Heroes
Holdo’s leader side provides your units with extra protection as long as they are exhausted. Her unit side is a little different as she has a one-and-done ability to sacrifice herself and a vehicle unit to wipe out enemy resistance in one battle area, letting you recreate the Holdo Maneuver. This does, however, stop her from using her leader ability, so you need to be sure that it is the right time to use it.
Finn (FN-2187)
Image Artist: @robbrunette
Finn’s ability works very well with his leader variant as he can easily swap his experience for a shield, then gain a new experience token to use to gain a new shield the next round. I also decided that Finn’s card should lack a Heroic aspect so the FO can still use him.
BB-8 (Loyal Buddy)
Image Artist: Pilot Studio
BB-8’s ability is based on his scene in the Last Jedi where he uses his head to fix Poe’s X-Wing. This ability works well with the Poe leader’s vehicle-heavy design.
Vi Moradi (Starling)
Image Artist: Darren Tan
Vi is one of the Resistance’s best spies and the commander of the Resistance’s base on Batuu. She was instrumental in the turning of First Order trooper Captain Cardinal. Because of this, her ability allows her to take control of an enemy unit for a round like Change of Heart, however, your opponent can choose to defeat the unit instead and deny both you and themselves the use of that unit.
Ski Speeder
Image Artist: Image from Last Jedi
Not even the Rebellion saw a need to take the Ski Speeders they had on Crait with them when they left, which shows how desperate the Resistance was to use them and why Finn felt the only good use for one was to crash it into the FO to try to do more damage. I showed this in its ability, letting you destroy the unit to do double the normal damage.
Kazuda Xiono (Best Pilot in the Galaxy)
Image Artist: Concept art for Resistance
A New Republic pilot recruited by Poe to go undercover at a station under threat of being taken over by the FO, Kaz, was thrown into the deep end and was woefully unprepared for his situation. His ability reflects his clumsy spy work, with him being able to discard cards from the opponent's hand, but at the risk of damage.
Fireball (Explosion with Wings)
Image Artist: Darren Tan
The starfighter Kaz used to race and eventually fight the FO up until the Battle of Exegol, the Fireball. As its name suggests, it is a temperamental fighter and prone to self-combustion. Its ability shows off both its racing nature (being able to enter play readied) and explosive nature (coming in damaged if it does).
Starfortress Bomber
Image Artist: Concept art for Last Jedi
The powerful but slow bombers of the Resistance, the Starfortress is a favourite of mine from my X-Wing days. The Bomber’s ability shows off the catastrophic events of the Battle of D’Qar where a destroyed TIE crashed into a bomber, destroying it and more.
Raddus (Resistance Flagship)
Image Artist: Image from Last Jedi
The massive MC-85 used as the Resistance’s Flagship was instrumental in the Holdo manoeuvre and because of this, I’ve designed it around Holdo’s leader ability, allowing it to work in tandem with her to devastate your opponent's units. However, even without Holdo, the Raddus is a strong late-game unit that will punish your opponent if they try to use removal cards on it.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed my custom cards! Please give me any feedback as I always want to improve my designs and I’ll be posting my First Order cards soon!