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Star Wars Unlimited Custom Cards (First Order)


Although we have a handful of sequel cards, and it's just a matter of time before we get many more, I wanted to make some of my own! I started with Resistance cards, which you can find here, but today here is the First Order!

Armitage Hux (Fueled by Spite)

Image Artist: Candice Dailey

Hux’s card is similar to Leia’s leader unit, letting you perform multiple actions in one. Instead of attacking with multiple units, you can instead play multiple cards with an additional cost. The reason for his weak stats on his unit side is down to his cowardly ways, meaning he’ll hide behind all other units to keep him safe.

Captain Phasma (Scyre Survivor)

Image Artist: JB Casacop

Phasma is a survivor and her leader card shows this. At first, she can sacrifice her allies to keep your opponents exhausted, however, after she deploys with a tough set of stats she becomes hard to remove as long as she has allies to dispose of.

Captain Cardinal (Archex)

Image Artist: James Zapata

Like with Finn in my Resistance cards, Cardinal is not restricted to just the Villainy deck thanks to his defection to the Resistance. His ability shows his fractured loyalties and ease to convert to the other side as your opponent can spend some resources to force him to make an attack, which then drops his sentinel.

Elrik Vonreg (Red Baron)

Image Artist: David Auden Nash

A deadly pilot, Vonreg makes good use of your space units, letting them become even more deadly when damaged by giving them grit.

Commander Pyre (Pirate Collaborator)

Image Artist: Martin de Diego

Pyre was a commander in the FO who made a plan to work with a group of pirates run by Kragan Gorr to convince an important fueling station to join the First Order. His ability shows his willingness to work with these pirates by giving all underworld units the First Order trait, making your decks much more flexible.

Agent Tierny (Persuasive Recruiter)

Image Artist: Image from Resistance

In Star Wars Resistance, Tierny convinced a member of Team Fireball to join the FO with false promises of glory and being able to become a pilot. Although this pilot joined the FO it would not last as the lies came out and her friends were able to get her to rejoin them. Tierny’s ability reflects this in a similar, but slightly more permanent version of Change of Heart.

Artillery Walker

Image Artist: Image from Last Jedi

The AT-M6 from The Last Jedi is possibly my favourite walker in Star Wars! Its powerful cannon makes it the perfect weapon for attacking enemy bases, however like all walkers, it struggles with smaller targets.

TIE/sf Fighter

Image Artist: Marco Checchetto

The First Order’s redesign of both the original TIE and their own TIE/fo, the TIE/sf was heavily armed and even shielded, maybe the Empire did learn something from Thrawn and his TIE Defenders!

Kylo’s Command Shuttle (MORE!!!)

Image Artist: Anthony Devine

Kylo’s Command Shuttle, although not an aggression card, has a very aggressive ability to let you attack with an additional unit, similar to Leia. However, unlike Leia who leads with respect and kindness, her Son’s methods of fear and anger mean your other unit’s attack is reduced.

Fulminatrix (Slow to React)

Image Artist: Image from Last Jedi

The dreadnought we see at the beginning of The Last Jedi, the Fulminatrix is a slow lumbering beast that can cause utter devastation to large targets. Its slow nature means for it to do this damage you need to wait until the action phase is over before damaging your opponent's base or capital ship, giving your opponent time to try to deal with the Fulminatrix before that point. 

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed my custom cards! Please give me any feedback as I always want to improve my designs and I’ll probably make more in the future as I’ve got loads more ideas for potential cards!



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