(I'm aware that all the images are currently unavailable, due to a technical problem I lost them and I'm currently working to replace them, until then please look at my Instagram where you can find most of the images sorry for the inconvenience!)
After my last article on the Scythe-class transport, I was inspired to make another shuttle for force sensitives only. Although the Republic has a large pool of choices, the chance to give the Resistance a new group of force sensitive pilots could not be missed! Here is the T-Wing Jedi Shuttle from the Rise Of Kylo Ren Comic.

The Overall Design:
First up, I know this isn't the first ship to be given the name T-Wing, however it was the ship's working title during the early days of the Force Awakening when it was originally going to be Rey's ship, so that's the name I'm going to stick with. Although the design was scrapped, it was reused in the Kylo Ren comic as Luke's Jedi Order's primary shuttle.
Although it looks to be a unique ship in the same vain as the cobbled together ugly starfighters, we see a handful of T-Wings landed at Luke's Jedi temple so it is most likely at least a semi official ship, even if it seems to make use of both X and Y Wing parts.
For its stats I decided to go with stats and a dial that are halfway between the X-Wing and Y-Wing's stats and dials. This seems to be disappointingly low for both its agility and attack values with only two attack and one agility, however that is rectified with its S-foil configuration!

Lopsided S-foils:
This configuration is very similar to the X-Wing's Servomotor S-foils configuration, with its closed side giving it access to better reposition actions and its open side being better for the ships attack value. The main differences is that the Lopsided S-foils give a bonus to your agility while they are closed only give

you the extra attack die if your opponent is the right side of your front arc. This shows the fact the S-foils are only on one side of the ship, so the extra firepower is only on the one side. This can be applied to your turret attacks as well to show the added firepower of the S-foils, however, it only helps the Ion Cannon Turret as the Dorsal Turret has the same attack value as the T-Wing's front arc.
The Pilots:
Luke Skywalker:
Although not seen piloting this ship in the comic, I'd never pass up an opportunity to make a new pilot card for Luke during the prime of his power. Luke's ability here is designed to show his sacrifice and distraction during the battle of Crait, with him being able to sacrifice all his force to make it hard for anyone to hit anybody. This is perfect for an opportunity for your ships to regroup/take objectives without being at high risk of being destroyed.
Ben Solo:
Although never a member of the Resistance, like all the other pilots in this pack, I see it as no different to having Kanan and Luke fly together in a list. Ben's ability makes him more of an ace like both his Father and Grandfather while showing off a scene in the Rise of Kylo Ren comics where he is being chanced by the surviving three Jedi Padawans. Because he is still conflicted about his future, he doesn't destroy their ship, just crashes through them, disabling their ship.
One of Luke's Padawans who was off world when the new Jedi temple was destroyed, Hennix was once one of Ben's friends, but eventually was killed by Ben as Hennix and two other Jedi tired to track him down for what he did. Hennix was said to see the force as a puzzle, enjoying trying to work out and guess its answers to see how it fell into place. Although he didn't always succeed, he was happy to just keep trying, because of this his ability allows you to use your force to guess your opponent's movement just before they move, giving you a bonus if you guess right, almost like he is learning to use his sense abilities but not fully getting them.
Another of the three Jedi who survived the temple's destruction to only be killed by Ben later on, Tal was again a close friend of Ben, being the only one to try to talk to him and reason with him. This is reflective of Tal's abilities in both the force and his pilot ability here; as both a promising force healer and well attuned to others emotions, Tal can use his force to disarm a stressed ship even if for a second, removing their stress in return for a deplete token. This is both great for disarming deadly opponents and helping over stressed allies.
The last of the main Jedi pilots in this pack, Voe was also the final member of the group who survived. She was a little brash and too impatient for her and her friend's own good, getting their ship damaged by Ben then later Hennix killed. Because of her rush to catch Ben, Voe's ability gives you a weaker version of the Delta-7's ship ability, letting you spend a Force to boost after moving, however at the cost of opponents getting a free lock on your ship if you get too close to them.
Lor San Tekka:
This final pilot is the only non-force sensitive pilot in the pack. Lor San Tekka was a good friend of Lukes, helping him rebuilt the knowledge of the Jedi after the fall of the Empire. Lor was not force sensitive, however was still inspired by the force and the Jedi's ways, with him becoming a part of the Church Of The Force, a group who worshiped the force as a religion. Lor's ability allows him to aid other force sensitive pilots buy giving them an additional force power upgrade during setup. He also can once every three rounds help a Jedi recover an additional force in the end phase.
The Upgrades:

The name of the ship used by the three Jedi survivors, the Verity lets you make purple actions and manoeuvres red and vice versa. This is obviously amazing for making red actions and manoeuvres essentially white at a small cost, however there are times where you need your force to stick around.

Luke Skywalker (Crew):
For Luke's crew upgrade, I decided to take inspiration from his sacrifice in The Last Jedi where he projected himself to Crait to annoy and distract Kylo Ren long enough for the remaining Resistance members to escape. However this projection was too much for him, and it pushed him into the Cosmic Force where he became a Force

Ghost. His upgrade gives you two force, which is nothing to scoff at. However he can sacrifice himself to distract an attacker then give his support to the defender as a Force Ghost. The Force Ghost side is something I plan to put on the crew for Obi-Wan (Rebel), Yoda (Rebel) and Qui-Gon (Republic), hence its art not matching.

Ben Solo (Crew):
Ben's crew card shows his conflicted and manipulated nature, forcing him to give into his anger and darkside when he is hit or he gets a hit in on an opponent, giving him, essentially a superior Maul crew ability, although, Maul has the choice to not become stressed, so there is some disadvantage to Ben.

Finn (Crew):
I know its not been officially stated or canonised, but Finn is heavily hinted at being at least slightly force sensitive. I personally love this theory, alongside the theory that any organic can tap into the force with enough training. Finn's ability here shows how weak his connection is at this point. He has a connection, but he is only able to realise it when he sees others use the force. He could be put with another force sensitive pilot or crew so his ability helps them recover force, however he would prevent you from recovering force naturally.

Lor San Tekka (Crew):
Like his pilot ability, Lor's crew ability is designed to aid other Jedi nearby, by allowing them to more effectively perform purple manoeuvres and actions. This is especially useful on this ship with the linked action on the S-foils as you can use Lor to make the boost white then the Verity title to make the red focus action purple. Lor was a part of both the Rebellion and Resistance so like wise his crew upgrade allows him to join both of those factions, even if he cannot be of use to the Rebellion at the moment.
The Conclusion:
The T-Wing is a cool looking shuttle combining two of the coolest original starfighters in Star Wars. I hope we get more of this starfighter in the future with more stuff for Luke's Jedi academy.
As normal thank you all for reading,
Watcher Leader out.