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Battle of the Titans (Part 6: First Order Epic Cards and Ships)


Updated: Jun 4, 2024

Battle of the Titans is an old project I did in the early days of my articles, making a Nebulon-B and Arquitens for the Rebel and Imperial faction's epic games. However, now that I've finished printing and painting both ships in epic scale, I decided to make more up-to-date cards for them!

I quickly realised that the standard loadout design would be quite effective in epic, allowing for cheaper ships and easy-to-pick-up-and-play combinations. So I have extended my project to cover all the factions, making cards for each of their epic ships and adding a few new epic ships so each faction has 3 huge ships with 2 standard loadout cards. I have also decided to make some new epic game small ships with standard loadouts so each faction has 3 small generic ships with 2 standard loadout cards.

As this totals EIGHTY FOUR cards, this will be a seven-article project with each article tackling one of the factions. So now the Resistance is done, let's move on to their rivals, the First Order.

First Order Light Cruiser:

A slightly obscure ship, the FO Light Cruiser was most prominently seen in the Poe Dameron comics although it did also appear in The Force Awakens docked to a Resurgent Star Destroyer.

The FO Liht Cruiser is what I'm classifying as a massive size ship. These ships use all the same rules as huge ships, however, they have larger bases, using one normal huge ship base at the front and a single large ship base at the back, connected by the cardboard base plate. The second difference is that they require eight ion or tractor tokens to be considered ionised or tractored over the six required by huge ships. Otherwise, they function identically to huge ships. The last change, and a change that I'd apply to all epic ships, is that when they are destroyed, the opponent places three debris fields at range zero of the destroyed ship.

Unfortunately for the FO Light Cruiser, one of the few technical things we know about it is that it has a fatal flaw, a power conduit was too close to the outer hull, allowing concentrated fire that breaches the FO Light Cruiser's shields to deactivate the whole ship. I added this to the ship through its ship ability that drains your energy through stress tokens when you are attacked by an enemy ship that is flanking you.

Like all the massive ships, it has a new second ship ability, Capital Grade Shields. This ability shows off the strength of these ship's shields, letting them reinforce twice so they are reinforced from every angle at the cost of extra shield regeneration. This makes it hard to outflank most of the massive ships I've made.

As for the durability of the ship, as the FO Light Cruiser is the smallest massive ship I've made, it is by far the weakest but still terrifyingly strong compared to normal epic ships!

Lastly, the FO Light Crusier's dial is unique to the other massive ships thanks to its reverse manoeuvre giving it another option to try to keep enemy ships in its broadside firing cards.


  • 18 Points

Commander Malarus' ship, I've made the Enshado an effective support ship for the FO with both Malarus forcing your allies to reroll, and Terex having a good chance to gain multiple calculate tokens that you can pass onto a friendly ship, or multiple jam tokens to pass onto an enemy ship. Last but definitely not least, the title allows you to dock and recharge the shields of up to six TIE/fo or TIE/sf fighters as well as having an emergency escape suttle for both Malarus and Terex to get away in and continue using their abilities from.


  • 18 Points

As we only have one name for the FO Light Cruiser I came up with a second one (I may have been playing Fallout again which inspired me...) The Enclave is a more combat-focused ship compared to the Enshado, with it having a Ventral Missle Cannon, the same turret weapon used by the Resurgent Star Destroyer Finalizer to destroy Poe and Finn's TIE. It essentially is a turret version of Homing Missiles, that doesn't require a lock if you can spear an energy. To help cause further damage, the Enclave title lets you risk cancelling your damage to potentially make the defender suffer more damage or gain a strain token.

Raider-class Corvette:


  • 14 Points

The Imperoalis was the Emperor's yacht that Lando destroyed, however, across the galaxy replicas were left at the Emperor's Observatories including the one on Jakku used by Slone and Hux senior and junior to fleet the Battle of Jakku and reached the newly formed First Order. I decided to use the Raider as a frame to give this Neo-Imperoalis to the FO with it being modified through its upgrades and ship ability to make it functionally a different ship. It has the ability to SLAM actions and roll additional dice for each stress token it gains if it can keep its energy supply burned through.


  • 14 Points

I decided it would be VERY like Gideon Hask to get a new Raider to replace the Corvus and name it after one of the main predators of a Corvus (Crow). The Tytonidae is a mixed bag with Hask making your Point-Defence Battery much more deadly. The modified Automated Target Priority gives you a calculate token whenever you miss an attack, however, it still restricts who you shoot. On top of this, when you become damaged, your title forces you to regenerate one less shield but recover two additional energy, making the ship much more vulnerable to attack but much more capable at attacking.

Gozanti-class Cruiser:


  • 10 Points

As we have no named Gozantis for the FO I decided to use one of the Imperial titles as there is a chance they made it through the Civil War to be used by the FO. The Suppressor is an interesting title as it has great potential with the Comms Team upgrade, however, the Gozanti normally has too little energy to use it effectively, so I made this Gozanti unique. The Overcharged Power Core gives this ship fifteen energy but you can not recover energy and it slowly loses energy. I also used this mechanic to show Captain Cardianl's conflicted nature and loss of faith in the FO as time went on, cutting him off from his old allies.

Only Order:

  • 10 Points

I envision this Gozanti as being used by Pyre and Tierny as a spy ship to try to find the Colossus. The Only Order can deploy a pair of Sensor Buoys and thanks to its title it can more effectively use them than the normal Sensor Buoys. Tierny can use the locks you acquire through the Senser Buoys to reroll enemy ships' attack dice.


I'm personally a fan of the game's current design where generics are a rare sight in normal play. However, with that in mind, it makes epic games very complex and hard to run, with far too many abilities and components to keep track of. I believe this could be one of the reasons Epic has been left untouched by AMG at the current time, along with other issues and reasons, however, my solution is simple, new standard loadouts for the generic pilots of the game that are designed for epic play!

These pilots are designed for the wing mechanic with each of them being equipped with the Wingmate upgrade. This is a reworded Veteran Wing Leader, however, it does make all the ships worse whilst apart from their wing, with all their actions becoming red, and prevents them from being part of a wing that has a high initiative Wing Leader.

This allows the Generics to be slightly cheaper and have a pair of upgrades to make them effective. Although all the generic ships of the game could easily have a new standard loadout card each, for my sanity I only made cards for the classic small ships of each faction, with the First Order having the TIE/fo Fighter, TIE/se Bomber and TIE/sf Fighter.

TIE/fo Fighter:

Like with the Empire's classic TIE/ln Fighter, I decided to use the Formed Up ship ability from the Battle over Endor for the TIE/fo Fighter.

Epsilon Squadron Cadet:

  • 2 Points

These Cadets are designed to give the First Order a cheap option for their wings, letting them have cheap swarms. I did this by giving them two restrictive upgrades that show off that they are cadets and are still training.

Zeta Squadron Pilot:

  • 3 Points

The Zeta Squadron Pilots are designed to burn through their shield to apply the range one bonus. Although this is risky and only a one-time use (unless you have the Enshado around) when you spend the shield you also immediately trigger your Fanatical upgrade, meaning you can use your action for defence or a lock so you have almost perfect attack dice modification.

TIE/se Bomber:

Sienar-Jaemus Test Pilot:

  • 3 Points

The Sienar-Jaemus Test Pilots are built to be the best bombers possible, with the entire wing being able to drop 12 thermal detonators in a single round. This is made even better with the combination of Skilled Bombider and the TIE/se Bomber's Pursuit Thrusters ship ability, which may not be as good as the classic TIE Bomber plus Skilled Bombider combo, but still very effective.

First Order Cadet:

  • 3 Points

The more munitions-focused pilots for the First Order's bombers, the Cadets get access to new deadly close-range Flechette Torpedoes that are the torpedo version of Concussion Missiles. This combined with the Automated Target Priority upgrade gives you a chance to have an almost fully modded torpedo attack.

TIE/sf Fighter:

Zeta Squadron Survivor:

  • 4 Points

The pilots of Zeta Squad use the fun combo of Passive Sensors and the TIE/sf's linked lock to rotate action means these pilots can always fire their missiles as long as the defender is in their front or rear arc. These pilots also technically have the First Order Ordnance Tech upgrade as well, as they have the reload to lock linked actions.

Omega Squadron Expert:

  • 4 Points

The pilots of Omega Squad fly more classically as they have the deadly Special Forces Gunner. They also have the Deuterium Power Cells upgrade to allow them to regenerate a shield, however without the second charge, it will mean the pilot will be disarmed if they do.


The second I got my 3D printer I decided I wanted to print epic ships for X-Wing, however for some reason, I've only just gotten around to it after two years of having the printer. But it was worth it, and they look amazing! This is what inspired this project, however, it has grown so much larger and I'm excited to show off all the other cards I've created from the

remaining factions alongside some pictures of the 3d printed ships I have for these epic battles!

Thank you all for reading.

Watcher Leader out!


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