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Battle of the Titans (Part 7: Scum Epic Cards and Ships)


Well, this is it! The final faction for Battle of the Titans:

Battle of the Titans is an old project I did in the early days of my articles, making a Nebulon-B and Arquitens for the Rebel and Imperial faction's epic games. However, now that I've finished printing and painting both ships in epic scale, I decided to make more up-to-date cards for them!

I quickly realised that the standard loadout design would be quite effective in epic, allowing for cheaper ships and easy-to-pick-up-and-play combinations. So I have extended my project to cover all the factions, making cards for each of their epic ships and adding a few new epic ships so each faction has 3 huge ships with 2 standard loadout cards. I have also decided to make some new epic game small ships with standard loadouts so each faction has 3 small generic ships with 2 standard loadout cards.

As this totals EIGHTY FOUR cards, this will be a seven-article project with each article tackling one of the factions. So now we're done with the six good guy/bad guy factions, let's finally move on to the last faction, the morally grey, Scum.

EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate:

I questioned for a long time which ship to use for Scum's massive ship. I decided to use the Nebulon-B after making a J-Sec Nebulon-B for the First Order and then discovered the FO light cruiser that I eventually used. J-Sec was as much a Scum faction as a FO one therefore I decided I could reuse it.

The Nebulon-B is what I'm classifying as a massive size ship. These ships use all the same rules as huge ships, however, they have larger bases, using one normal huge ship base at the front and a single large ship base at the back, connected by the cardboard base plate. The second difference is that they require eight ion or tractor tokens to be considered ionised or tractored over the six required by huge ships. Otherwise, they function identically to huge ships. The last change, and a change that I'd apply to all epic ships, is that when they are destroyed, the opponent places three debris fields at range zero of the destroyed ship.

The Nebulon-B is a forward heavy ship, partly because its primary weapons are restricted to its front arc, but mainly because when ships start to flank or get behind it, the Nebulon becomes very vulnerable. This is due to its Tough Head Weak Spine pilot ability which forces your reinforce tokens to be on the fore section but allows you to roll an extra defence die while defending from attacks in your front half.

Like all the massive ships, it has a new second ship ability, Capital Grade Shields. This ability shows off the strength of these ship's shields, letting them reinforce twice so they are reinforced from every angle at the cost of extra shield regeneration. The Nebulon-B is a little odd as its reinforce tokens must be on the foreside, meaning it can't be forced to reinforce both the front and back like all the other massive ships. This can be an advantage as it adds to the tough nature of its front half, making front-on attacks suicidal for opponents.

As for durability in the shields and hull department, the Nebulon is much tougher than all current epic ships however it is weaker than the other massive ships I've made for the other six factions.

Finally, the dial of the Nebulon is relatively basic, it is quite slow only having speed 1-2 banks, however, I did allow it to keep up to a four straight solely so it can get to the fight quick enough so the games don't drag on forever!


  • 17 Points

The Nebulon-B that Protector Gelb used to capture children for the First Order's Project Resurrection to build their numbers. Because this ship was used to capture children I decided to gear it towards capturing ships using tractor beams. The Tractor Beam Array is very effective at this, meaning you cannot afford to get close to this ship, especially as the Tractor Technicians will keep the ship trapped and slowed down. Luckily for the Opportunity, its commander/ace pilot Leema Kai helps this ship charge into the battle at top speed so it can sit in the centre of a formation and wreak havoc!

Culoss's Crown:

  • 19 Points

Unfortunatly like all the massive ships I could think of for Scum, there is only one example of a proper "Scum" Nebulon-B, because of this I've come up with a new one for a pirate group I could see as having access to a Nebulon-B. Culoss's Crown is owned by Angel, a pirate and survivor of the Q'anah's Marauders whom Tarkin ruthlessly destroyed. As seen in the Thrawn book (of course I'd do something relating to Thrawn whenever possible!) Angel and his group were being advised by the brilliant future early Rebel leader, Nightswan, Thrawn's adversary and almost equal. Because of this, Nightswan's ability is very similar to my Thrawn ability in the Imperial Battle of the Titans article, however, the less intelligent and important Angel will constantly cause problems for Nightswan, spending the charges Nightswan needs to function.

Trident-class Assault Ship:


  • 10 Points

Although normally a Separatist ship title, the Trident was used to capture Rotta the Huttlet by Asajj and Ziro the Hutt so I wanted to make this scummy version of this Trident! The Trident title and Asajj work in the same way as their Separatist counterparts. While Rotta makes your opponents stress whenever they shoot the ship because they are scared of the consequences of potentially hurting Jabba's Punky Muffin. Ziro then can take advantage of this stress to better attack and defend himself.

Nautolan's Revenge:

  • 10 Points

There is little to nothing known about the Nautolan's Revenge except for its name, so I gave it to the Nautonan bounty hunter Caij Vanda from Jedi Survivor. Caij's ability shows off her plan to raise the bounty on Cal by getting him to attack and defeat rival hunters, driving his bounty higher and higher until she sees it as worthwhile to attempt to claim the bounty for herself. Although this ability is for selfish means, it has the bonus of drawing fire to this ship instead of your other potentially more valuable ships as your opponents won't want to trigger Caij's ability.

C-ROC Cruiser:

Broken Horn:

  • 9 Points

The personal C-ROC of Vizago, the Broken Horn was used to run his small criminal operations and information-selling business. Because of this, Vizago's ability allows anyone to give him a bonus regen of a shield, energy or a calculate token while they get to acquire a lock. These calculates then help your IG-RM Dorids which help make your Autoblaster turret much more deadly!

Merchant One:

  • 9 Points

Owned by another small crimelord, Azmorigan, the Merchant One's standard loadout is outfitted to be a deadly close-range attacker, making six non-primary attacks each round, with Azmorigan letting you retain a calculate to modify your dice better the next round and the title helping you keep your energy supplies up so you can keep making turret attacks!


I'm personally a fan of the game's current design where generics are a rare sight in normal play. However, that being said it makes epic games very complex and hard to run, with far too many abilities and components to keep track of. I believe this could be one of the reasons epic has been left untouched by AMG at the current time, along with other issues and reasons, however, my solution is simple, a new standard loadouts for the generic pilots of the game that are designed for epic play!

These pilots are designed for the wing mechanic with each of them being equipped with the Wingmate upgrade. This is a reworded Veteran Wing Leader, however, it does make all the ships worse whilst apart from their wing, with all their actions becoming red, and prevents them from being part of a wing that has a high initiative Wing Leader.

This allows the Generics to be slightly cheaper and have a pair of upgrades to make them effective. Although all the generic ships of the game could easily have a new standard loadout card each, for my sanity I only made cards for the classic small ships of each faction, with Scum having the Z-95-AF4 Headhunter, BTL-A4 Y-wing and M3-A Interceptor.

Z-95-AF4 Headhunter:

As I like to give each of the standard load-out pilots a ship ability, I decided to give the Headhunter the Electronic Baffel upgrade as a ship ability, it will become obvious why I gave it this specific upgrade with the first pilot.

Binayre Pirate:

  • 2 Points

A good friend of mine always used to run DeadZs and was terrifyingly skilled at getting them into scary clusters that would all pop simultaneously. I also remember one of the first edition epic games we played, he purposely charged the whole swarm into the path of my deadly hard-to-kill epic ship so when it crashed into the swarm it was crippled by the collisions and explosions. Because of this, I wanted to make a new DeadZ so more people can be terrified by my friend's horrifying tactics!

Black Sun Soldier:

  • 3 Points

This Z-95 is built to be a solid front-line ship, with a pair of Cluster Missiles and its Overtuned Modulators to give it a way to fully more at least one of the Cluster Missile attacks, these Black Sun pilots are a cheap and scary way to fill out the ranks of your Scum list!

BTL-A4 Y-wing:

Hired Gun:

  • 3 Points

The Hired Gun pilots have a basic bombing loadout, a set of Thermal Detonators to drop (although they have one less charge than normal) and a Skilled Bomber upgrade repackaged as an astromech.

Amaxine Warrior:

  • 3 Points

The Amaxine Warrior pilots use Ion Cannon Turrets and Automated Target Priority to boost their chance of hitting their target thanks to the extra attack die and to make this wing incredibly effective at disabling enemy ships.

M3-A Interceptor:

To give the M3-A a ship ability, I revisited an old first edition upgrade for the M3-A Interceptor, the Light Scyk Interceptor, which makes you more manoeuvrable but much more vulnerable to critical damage.

Cartel Spacer:

  • 3 Points

Equipped with both Cutthroat and Mag-Pulse Warheads, the Cartel Spacers may only get one missile to fire at first, but when a friendly ship goes down (which is likely in the high casualty epic games), they all get to recover that missile.

Tansarii Point Veteran:

  • 3 Points

The Tansarii Point pilots are equipped with both Fearless, to make them scary to face off against, and Marg Sable to strain your opponent after they fly through an enemy epic ship or obstacle, making these Veteran's deadly opponents!


The second I got my 3D printer I decided I wanted to print epic ships for X-Wing, however for some reason, I've only just gotten around to it after two years of having the printer. But it was worth it, and they look amazing! This is what inspired this project, however, it has grown so much larger.

Thank you all for reading and the support over the last month and a bit! I hope you all enjoy these cards and you can use them to add to your epic games!

Thank you all again,

Watcher Leader out!


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