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Scramble for Scarif (Custom Scenario Pack)


Updated: May 23, 2024

I’ve made a load of new custom scenario packs in the same style as the Battle of Yavin and Siege of Coruscant scenario packs we have. Although I've made a pack for each of the Skywalker Saga movies, there are many more to come!

Today's scenario is the Scramble for Scarif, depicting the climactic battle of Rogue One where the Rebellion is trying to transmit the Death Star plans to their fleet but the Planetary Shield is preventing them.

To see the specifics of the rules, cards, and components that need to be printed, look here! For a quick breakdown of the pack and the standard loadout pilots I made for it, keep reading:


In this scenario, the Rebellion are attempting to destroy the shield gate that is preventing the Death Star Plans from being transmitted to their fleet, while the Empire tries to protect it.

The main difference with this scenario is the board is divided in half by the shield gate and planetary shield. The Rebel side is treated as normal space, but you have to get through the gate's shields as normal before you damage it. The Imperial side is treated as being in Scarif's atmosphere where it is harder for most ships to fly, but the shield gate is treated as having no in-game shields active.


Like in the official scenario packs, I’ve made ten standard loadout pilots for each faction:


Antoc Merrick

5 points

Blue Leader was one of the Rebellion's best pilots and squadron leaders before his unfortunate demise. Merrick's ability and upgrades are geared towards his role as a leader while his astromech R2-SHW does his best to keep him alive.

Jaldine Gerams

4 points

Another member of Blue Squadron Gerams's ability keeps her manoeuvrable, which is especially useful if she uses her Daredevil upgrade a lot or is flying in Scarif's atmosphere, letting her boost and barrel roll even while stressed.

Farns Monsbee

4 points

Another capable member of Blue Squad, Monsbee was a skilled recon pilot and even took part in the assassination of Galen Erso. His ability and upgrades show off his recon skills, letting him be more defensive when by himself, but also being a team player allowing him to extend a friendly ship's lock range. Also for those of you who know "stupid deaths, stupid deaths, they're funny 'cause they're true!".

Vangos Grek

4 points

Grek was one of the unfortunate pilots to just miss the opening to get to Scarif, failing to pull up in time, smashing his X-Wing into the recently closed shield. Because of this, his ability locks him into only doing a straight boost, but he can at least do a faster boost so hopefully when you fly him, he can get through the gate in time.

Barion Raner

5 points

After Greg's unfortunate end, Raner was able to pull up at the last second allowing him to escape the same fate, because of this, he can give a friendly ship the ability to avoid partially executing a manoeuvre by barrel rolling.

Laren Joma

5 points

The first of the U-Wing pilots, and the only one to make it to the surface of Scarif, Joma is more ready to deploy her troops than most, being able to drop her agility down for a focus, which is useful for Bistan and his Mounted Ion Blaster.

Heff Tobber

5 points

The perfect support ship and close-range fighter, Heff is designed to ram into and block his opponents and then use his Embarked Troops to intimidate his opponents.

Wona Goban

4 points

The pilot that took point on disabling the Star Destroyers above the shield gate, Goban's ability embraces the ionising effects of her upgrades, more than making up for her low damage output. Also, each of the Y-Wings in this pack has a new ship ability to show off both the negatives and positives of their stripped-back armour.

Evaan Verlaine

4 points

With a massively improved ability as well as solid upgrades to back her up, Evaan is an effective support ship for other Y-Wings. Making them and herself very durable.

Gazdo Woolcob

3 points

An unfortunate casualty of the battle, Woolcob's pilot ability allows any critical damage they suffer (which should be a lot thanks to the new ship ability) to become a plus for their allies, giving them a free boost!



5 points

This new pilot for the Striker is a fun idea for a pilot who purposely allows chucks of their ship to fall off as a distraction for their opponents. Scrapper also can drop Seismic Charges to capitalise on this, to deadly effect!


5 points

This Dutchess is pretty cut and dry except for the new (to 2.0/2.5) Lightweight Frame upgrade which I've attached to all the Strikers, allowing them to become more agile until they evade a shot.


4 points

With an ability similar to Joph Seastriker, this Countdown, combined with his upgrades, will be rather hard to kill. Also, the Caught Off Guard upgrade on all the Imperial ships shows how unprepared the Empire was for this bold attack.

"Pure Sabacc"

4 points

This risky gambler can constantly gamble with their life, rolling an additional die. If you do, and roll a bank result you suffer damage as a cost.


4 points

Charger lives up to his name, enjoying going in straight lines, at incredibly fast speeds when using his ship ability and Afterburners. This is useful in the scenario as you can quickly get through the shield gate before you need to close it.


3 points

The final Striker pilot in this pack Vagabond is very normal except for the Lightweight Frame upgrade. He doesn't have a mine which makes him a very cheap Striker!

Major Vermeil

5 points

This version of Vermeil uses his standard pilot ability and makes use of a slightly different Death Troopers upgrade. Unlike the normal Death Trooper upgrade, this version doesn't prevent the removal of stress tokens, they instead punish a ship that loses a stress token with a jam token, which plays into Vermeil's strengths.


5 points

Vizier gets the honour of being Director Krenic's ride in this pack, with a slightly different pilot ability to boost his coordination range. More importantly, Krenic's knowledge of superweapons allows him to give his allies a massive attack boost.

Commander Kimmund

4 points

These TIE Bombers represent the pair of TIE Boarding Crafts seen at the end of Rogue One, heading to the Profundity to breach and board it. Kimmund was one of Vader's best commanders in the First Legion, they led some of the best Stormtroopers in the Empire so his ability and upgrades show this, leaning into the Boarding Craft's ability and upgrades.

Daine Jir

3 points

One of Vader's officers who would aid in the boarding of the Tantive IV, Jir's ability allows him to finish off an opponent at range zero who is on their last hull point.


I've always been a massive fan of scenarios in X-Wing, long before we got the standard scenarios we use today. I've enjoyed making this pack and the others that I'll post soon and I hope you do too!

Thank you all for reading.

Watcher Leader out!


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