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RF1 Dart (EC Henry's Prototype X-Wing): Custom X-Wing Ship Pack


Updated: Jun 4, 2024

(I'm aware that all the images are currently unavailable, due to a technical problem I lost them and I'm currently working to replace them, until then please look at my Instagram where you can find most of the images sorry for the inconvenience!)

A little while ago, EC Henry released a video looking at a background ship in Return of the Jedi, which turned out to be the model made by the late Colin Cantwell for George Lucas as a prototype for the X-Wing. I loved the touch up EC Henry did for this ship and adored the lore he made around it. This article will be taking the design he made and and putting it into X-Wing, so I suggest you watch the video for yourself if you haven't already before reading on!

Otherwise lets get stuck in.

The Overall Design:

My design in game is a ship that solidly sits in-between the Z-95/Clone Z-95 and T-65 X-Wing.

For the physical stats, the Dart sits somewhat in-between the two with an additional hull as the body work is more spindly than the T-65. It does retain the Z-95's two attack dice, however its configuration will help with that.

For the actions, the Dart loses the barrel roll both the other ships have, again the configuration does help with that. It gains a red evade over the other ships, but this is because it seems to be ever so slightly more agile in its structural design.

As for maneuverers, in X-Wing, the T-65 and Z-95 have similar dials. The Dart merges these two dials which is essentiallythe same as having the T-65's dial just making it slightly better at faster speeds, even if only barely.

Prototype S-foils:

As normal, when a ship has a configuration upgrade, it is a massive boon to the ship and its abilities. The Dart's S-foils show how this is a more recent style for Incom, it boosts the Dart's attack/manoeuvrability and defence/speed but it's harder for the pilot to flip this upgrade. This is to show

the struggles Incom had with the Dart as shown in EC Henry's video. The open side boosts the ship's attack if you have an opponent in your bullseye to put it between the T-65 and Z-95. The closed side boosts the defensive abilities of the Dart slightly over both the X-Wing and Headhunter due to the . smaller and more manoeuvrable design.

Points: 0 points

Mind-Bridge Interface:

This tech upgrade is almost as important to this ship as the S-foils. This unique piece of tech allows you to link the minds of pilots with their ships, allowing you to perform calculate actions and keep your calculate tokens around during the end phase. This is very powerful, however it is offset by the fact, as EC Henry said, the Mind-Bridge melts the minds of those who use it. I show this by making pilots suffer pilot damage each round if they have too many calculate tokens. Because of this you are forced to perform calculate actions and you cant lose them during the end phase, your opponent can choose to tactically not shoot you so you can't spend the tokens, then watch you rip yourself apart.

Points: 4 points

The Pilots:

SoroSuub Test Subject:

These Sullustan test subjects are hand picked to resist the damaging effects of the Mind-Bridge, however only for a short time. You can use this ability to help them shrug off normally negative tokens like stress and target locks, however with the Mind-Bridge, you can choose to discard the calculate that would push your pilot over the edge.

Upgrades: Configuration, Tech, Modification, Torpedo

Points: 2.5: 4 points with 6 loadout points 2.0: 39 points

Incom Test Pilot:

As expert pilots in themselves, the Incom Test Pilots make good use of their time in the seat of the Dart, gathering information that can be used to boost the X-Wings of the future... before their brains melt of course...

Upgrade Slots: Configuration, Tech, Modification, Torpedo, Talent, Talent

Points: 2.5: 4 points with 11 loadout points 2.0: 42 points

Ida Citrona:

This is the first named pilot in this pack. Ida is the officer that warns Incom of the Empire's intentions to destroy them and also the one who was able to negotiate with the Empire before that to delay their wrath. Her ability shows this, with her being able to, once every other round, give your opponent a choice: to either shoot a different target or give you or your allies an evade token.

Upgrade Slots: Configuration, Tech, Modification, Torpedo, Talent

Points: 2.5: 5 points with 16 loadout points 2.0: 49 points

Condor Vantis:

The star of the show, Vantis, is the reason the X-Wing is such a success. His drive to perfect the craft is what allowed him to survive the Mind-Bridge and to fully merge with the starfighter. His ability allows him to use his calculate tokens gained in game to perform an additional action during the beginning of the engagement phase. This is amazing for repositions and locks as you have perfect information with the added bonus of not becoming damaged from the Mind-Bridge making him the best pilot in the pack.

Upgrade Slots: Configuration, Tech, Modification, Torpedo, Talent, Talent

Points: 2.5: 6 points with 20 loadout points 2.0: 55 points


Although not cannon in anyway, like every EC Henry creation, I really hope one day it will be. I love the way it bridges the gap between the ARC-170/Clone Z-95 Headhunter and the T-65 X-Wing.

I hope that you enjoyed this article and as normal feel free to use these cards for yourself to bring the Dart to the game.

Thank you all for reading,

Watcher Leader out.


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