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Raid on Exegol (Custom Scenario Pack)


Updated: May 23, 2024

I’ve made a load of new custom scenario packs in the same style as the Battle of Yavin and Siege of Coruscant scenario packs we have.

Today's scenario is the last of the Skywalker Saga scenarios I needed to make, Raid on Exegol, depicting the final massive battle between the First Order and Resistance fleets.

To see the specifics of the rules, cards, and components that need to be printed, look here! For a quick breakdown of the pack and the standard loadout pilots I made for it, keep reading:


In this scenario, the Resistance must attempt to destroy the five Navigation Towers that are guiding the First Order's new planet-killing fleet off of Exegol. However, only one Navigation Tower is active at a time.

The First Order must protect these towers, with their squadrons of fighters and covering fire from their massive fleet of Star Destroyers.


Like in the official scenario packs, I’ve made ten standard loadout pilots for each faction:


Poe Dameron

6 points

Although he has an ability similar to his HOH version, this Poe is massively better as he gives out an action at initiative 6 instead of when the other ship activates. His R2-D2 is also an improvement, sacrificing a shield for a reinforce token.

Temmin Wexley

5 points

Poor Temmin... His ability gives his allies a bonus when his demise begins. However, his upgrades make him quite effective, with R6-D8 and Prockets working well together!

Zorii Bliss

5 points

Although she retains her standard pilot ability, Zorii's upgrades make her a force to be reckoned with! Babu and K3 are an amazing combo, while Comeuppance makes it more believable this Y-Wing took down a Star Destroyer.

Aftab Ackbar

4 points

Following in his father's footsteps, Aftab's ability helps him survive an enemy's trap, with him working better when outnumbered. The Anti-pursuit Lasers just add to this, making it a bad idea to get close to this Mon Calamari.

Seftin Vanik

4 points

This version of Seftin has a pilot ability you'll actually use! Letting him pass off his evade at a later time makes him really useful, especially if he can use it first to trigger his Juke ability.

Merl Cobben

3 points

Merl's ability allows him to copy initiative values three times a game, which can be useful to both line up his new Unguided Rockets and get them off before any other opponent.

A/SF-NR2 B-Wing Fighter

As we don't have the Resistance's B-Wing in the game yet I've made a custom one! To use the Resistance B-Wing, use the normal Rebel A/SF-01 B-Wing dial. As for design, I made it slightly more manoeuvrable than the original by giving it a ship ability that is in part the inverse of the First Order's TIE/se Bomber's ship ability.

Pattros Navesh

5 points

Pattros gets a bonus action whenever he hits an opponent with an attack or device, which he can use to defend himself by gaining a reinforce token. This is especially useful as these B-Wings are amazing bombers!

Enanan Supa

5 points

This graceful flyer takes the B-Wing's love of barrel rolls to the extreme, with her performing amazing banked and turn barrel rolls and breaking locks when she does.

Dreanna Conunda

5 points

Although this ship is not the same as the Resistance Transport, it is still a transport the Resistance uses, so it uses the same dial but it is put on a medium base with more hull and an additional turret attack arc. Dreanna's pilot ability makes this ship hard to kill while Finn and his crew make it both fast and a solid support ship.

Lando Calrissian

7 points

With Lando's inspiration, he persuaded people across the galaxy to follow him. Wedge is a fun gunner, either giving Lando a combat initiative boost or his classic Rebel ability, while the Falcon title is a mix between the abilities of my Evacuation from Takodana Falcon and the Battle over Endor Falcon we've seen!

First Order:

TIE/da Dagger:

To fly the TIE Daggers in this pack use TIE Advanced V1 dials. The Dagger's design is based around the Sith cultists that fly them, with their ship abilities letting them recover their force when successfully hitting an opponent but losing a force if they miss.


5 points

Nox's ability makes the Dagger a fighter to be reckoned with as they make the already solid linked actions purple meaning there is little risk in doing them! This also makes it easier for Nox to line up their bullseye to make use of their deadly Proton Cannon.


5 points

Although not as often useful as Nox's pilot ability, Zillo can treat their red manoeuvres as white. Again the upgrades lean towards the use of its bullseye arc and Proton Cannon.


5 points

Eclipse's ability is similar to the Resistance's Merl's ability, however, can be used all game if you have a force to spare. The Reckless ability is amazing, however, if you make a mistake you'll regret it!

Sovereign Protector

5 points

As Palpatine's primary bodyguards, the Protectors gain a pilot ability similar to his Imperial crew card, letting them spend a force to help a friendly ship defend itself as if it spent a force.


5 points

This version of the TIE/sf is a refit to turn it into the standard Whisper fighter making it a cross between the TIE/sf and TIE Whisper we already have in the game. Nightfall's ability and upgrades let him more easily line up his bullseye arc and perform two attacks against the same ship with one to two rerolls per attack!


5 points

Purge gains access to a longer-ranged jam action thanks to their pilot ability and Biohexacrypt Codes. They also can perform a 4-die bullseye attack thanks to Special Forces Gunner and the ship's ability.


4 points

Although less heavy-hitting than the other Whisper pilots, Whirlwind can use their jam actions to sort of coordinate their allies or themselves, getting a free barrel roll or boost action.


4 points

With their original pilot ability, but with better upgrades, Dread can continuously reload their missiles and bombs to deplete enemy ships, while still getting off attacks.


4 points

With a slightly improved ability that also affects Grudge's Diamond-Boron Missiles, Grudge is a scary pilot, especially if another friendly ship can get your Final Orders upgrade to trigger!


5 points

With a much better pilot ability, this Scorch gives the enemy some hard decisions to make while defending. This, combined with his Selfish Survivor upgrade, makes Scorch a nuisance to deal with.


I've always been a massive fan of scenarios in X-Wing, long before we got the standard scenarios we use today. I've enjoyed making this pack and the others from the Skywalker saga and I hope you do too!

I do plan on making more scenario packs, definitely one for Rogue One and a couple for Each of the TV shows if possible. If you have any suggestions please comment!

Thank you all for reading.

Watcher Leader out!


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