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IT-66 Scythe-class Transport: Custom X-Wing Ship Pack


Updated: Jun 4, 2024

(I'm aware that all the images are currently unavailable, due to a technical problem I lost them and I'm currently working to replace them, until then please look at my Instagram where you can find most of the images sorry for the inconvenience!)

Now that Kenobi has finished, we've seen the Scythe-class transport in action. With that in mind, I can officially say we see it do absolutely nothing!

But that's ok, it looks amazing and I can make some things up to make a full ship.

So lets get stuck in!

Warning there will be slight spoilers for the Kenobi series, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

The Overall Design:

One of the main issues I had with this ship is the fact the Empire has a good selection of shuttles with the TIE Reaper, Lambda, Decimator and Gauntlet. This large number of shuttles means its hard to create a new one that feels fresh and worth adding into the game (hence why I've not made a Sentinel-class Shuttle yet). Because of this, I've given the Scythe a ship ability to define it and show how the Inquisitors drove out their targets with fear. This ability means you could crush an enemy ship unless another ship exposes itself to protect the first ship.

As for stats, the Scythe seems to be of a similar size to the Reaper, meaning this ship will also be a medium base, however I get the feeling it will have a better dial than the Reaper with a better turning circle and purple maneuverers.

Unfortunately we didn't have a good look at its combat capability, however, I'm going to give it a solid wide front arc of two and a terrifying bullseye arc of four.

This combined with its solid action bar with options for either a purple or red boost means you can easily line up deadly shots which is unlike most shuttles.

The Pilots:

Grand Inquisitor:

The first of these pilots, the Grand Inquisitor is of course the most skilled and deadly. Although he keeps his high initiative, he trades his deadly range boosting pilot ability from the Tie Advanced Prototype for a more support orientated one. This ability lets you spend a force or two to gain a free coordinate action. Although it can target only friendly force sensitives, you can spend two force to coordinate those ships at the beginning of the engagement phase which is amazing for lower initiative aces!

Third Sister:

Once the Jedi youngling Reva, the Third Sister seems to have a more uncontrolled and imprecise rage compared to most darksiders and even most Inquisitors. This makes sense when you take into account her past and how she joined the Inquisitors, it also makes it easy to assign her ability. If you perform an attack that hits she's succeeded in her mission and gets gratification/force regen. If she misses an attack, she becomes angry, loses control so loses some force. This means shooting aces are a risk, but the reward is great with you being able to keep your force for defence.

Fourth Sister:

Although she only had a small part to play in Kenobi, I'm so glad she was in the show, if only so we now have a complete roster of the ten Inquisitors !

I got the feeling from Kenobi that she is quiet because she's scheming and letting the other Inquisitors fight and deal with each other so she can gain more power without having to raise a finger.

Because of this, her ability relishes in other allies missing their shots and failing. This is not the best ability as you have to be failing for it to succeed, but it is good to fall back on and it makes her the cheapest of the Inquisitors.

Fifth Brother:

Another returning pilot, the Fifth Brother trades out his ability for something a little more group oriented just like the Grand Inquisitor. Although he doesn't give any other pilots boosts, he gets a boost from other pilots by making a critical shot even worse by exposing additional damage cards. In theory he can even do it off his own ability with enough force active.


As normal as with any ship pack you need a generic, and this one is no different. One less force than the other pilots and only initiative three.

Second Sister:

I'm going to take this opportunity to finally fill out our X-Wing roster of Inquisitor pilots, crew and gunners. First up, the Second Sister from the Jedi Fallen Order game is a deadly and capable Inquisitor who was able to predict and manipulate her opponent's actions with ease. Her ability is inspired by one made by the wonderful Raccoon Specialists that he consulted me on, forcing her opponent to lose their attacking power at the cost of her force.

Eighth Brother:

The Eighth Brother has been known as a TIE Advanced v1 pilot for as long as we've known him. His ability is based off of his nimbleness and his (frankly stupid) ability to fly with his lightsaber, with him being able to spend a force, to become the most manoeuvrable TIE Advanced v1 available.

Ninth Sister:

One of the cooler looking Inquisitors, the hulking Ninth Sister was known to have the ability to sense other's emotions in the force and use the information to outmanoeuvre them. This translates into the game as her being able to jam and coordinate at longer ranges while gaining bonus tokens depending on what you coordinate or jam on the ship,

The Upgrades:


The Inquisitor's primary shuttle at the time of Kenobi, the Scythe gains access to superior defensive abilities with a purple reinforce and better manoeuvrability with a linked purple boost into red focus. This combed with the ability to recover additional force for stress makes this ship a deadly force to be reckoned with.

Second Sister (Crew):

Her crew ability shows her strengths at prediction by forcing your opponents to do their actions during the systems phase instead of after they move. This means she can force more manoeuvrable opponents to make their boost or barrel roll before they have any more information from their opponents movements.

Third Sister (Gunner):

This version of the Third Sister shows off her personal goal of killing Vader, with her enjoying the demise of her allies as much as the demise of her enemies. It is a useful ability too as her linked action is powerful but drains force fast!

Fourth Sister (Crew):

Again like her pilot ability, the Fourth Sister's crew ability shows her pulling the strings of her allies and enemies, stressing them out until they snap. This is a great way of stripping off your stress and annoying your opponents too!

Sixth Brother:

The Inquisitor that hunted Ahsoka during the early days of the Empire. He was callous and arrogant, and this lead to his own demise at Ahsoka's hands, where his lightsaber crystals would be purified and made Ahsoka's. His ability is like Sunny Bounder's letting you spend a force to take a risk at the chance of getting an additional hit!

Eighth Brother (Crew):

His nimble frame again inspired his ability allowing him to boost the speed at which your ship can boost and barrel roll away, which is amazing on both the Scythe and Reaper, but still useful on any shuttle with Moff Jerjerrod.

Ninth Sister (Crew):

Her ability to be able to copy enemy ship's actions comes into play again here with an ability like both Zorii Bliss and the Grand Inquisitor's crew ability, although she can again copy actions she does not have herself like with her pilot ability.

Tenth Brother:

A former Jedi removed from the council due to his disillusion with the orders ways and his attempt to kill Windu. His ability here shows off his dependence on the force for his sight, letting him roll blind, with only a single "force" modification at the bonus of also preventing your opponent from modifying their dice.



I like having nice complete lists of names when they contain numbers.


That being said, now we have both the Third and Fourth Sisters, I'm less pissed as they are not possible fixes to glaring gaps in the list.

Their ability here is basically a cheap way to get two force with a negative ability showing these two Inquisitors' forbidden bond with each other, forcing them to protect each other, which could be their downfall (just like in the comics!).

Purge Troopers:

The final upgrade of this pack, Purge Troopers are similar to the Death Trooper upgrade, forcing your opponent to only choose one of the three types of red tokens to be removed after they execute a blue manoeuvre. This is especially useful with the Scythe-class's ship ability as you can more often have both a strained and stressed opponent, and most players would be more likely to remove the stress over the strain.

The Conclusion:

I'm sorry this has been a MASSIVE article (that's both to you the reader and my poor wife who is proof reading this) but I've had little else to do this week as after two years of avoiding the dreaded plague, I've finally got Covid (and just as I had an opportunity to try out the Rogue-class too...)

But in return I hope you all enjoy this pretty comprehensive list of Inquisitor stuff, although now Jedi: Survivor is going to reveal a new Inquisitor or/and a new Inquisitor ship days after I post this.

So before they do and I have to rewrite this article, thank you all as normal for reading,

Watcher Leader out.


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