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Extraction from Takodana (Custom Scenario Pack)


Updated: May 23, 2024

I’ve made a load of new custom scenario packs in the same style as the Battle of Yavin and Siege of Coruscant scenario packs we have.

Today's scenario is the Extraction from Takodana, depicting the Resistance vs First Order battle over Maz's Castle in the attempt to get the map to Luke Skywalker. I decided to go with this battle over the Attack on Starkiller Base as it would be mostly a rehash of the Battle of Yavin pack otherwise.

To see the specifics of the rules, cards, and components that need to be printed, look here! For a quick breakdown of the pack and the standard loadout pilots I made for it, keep reading:


In this scenario the Resistance and First Order both have the same objective, get one of their large ships off the Resistance board edge with the Map To Luke condition. However, they get this condition in different ways:

As the aggressors, the First Order need to destroy Maz's Castle to draw out Rey so they can capture her and her memory of the map. As the FO are the first to arrive at the castle, they are already on top of it when deploying, giving them a chance to devastate the structure before the Resistance arrives. The Resistance only need to get to the Castle or drive the FO away from it so Han can get BB-8 away in the Falcon.


Like in the official scenario packs, I’ve made ten standard loadout pilots for each faction:


Han Solo 

7 points 

This version of Solo is a slightly worse version of standard Rebel Han, with his ability reflecting him pushing away his friends. The upgrades work to help him be more effective in this scenario while also being more deadly in standard X-Wing.

Poe Dameron 

6 points 

This version of Poe is a call back to his 1.0 days with a slightly modified pilot ability. His One Hell Of A Pilot! and Black One abilities are slightly offset by him missing his trusty BB-8!

Temmin Wexley

4 points 

Good old Snap returns here with his standard pilot ability, but his real opportunity to shine is with his Snap and Mr Bones Personality Template upgrades.

Kare Kun

4 points 

Although the only pilot in Black Squadron not seen in the film Kare was around at the time. Her ability works well with her astromech and keeps her well-defended.

Jessika Pava

5 points 

The final member of Black Squadron, Jess leans into her uncanny ability to lose her astromech droids as the Great Destroyer, giving her an extra hit point at the cost of her astromech.

Ello Asty

5 points 

This lone wolf pilot has an improved ability that is now similar to Tycho Celchu. His upgrades also lean into his ability letting him flourish while performing red manoeuvres.

Yolo Ziff

4 points 

The first new pilot in this pack, Ziff is M9-G8's pilot so has an ability fitting for this powerful astromech droid as well as being useful for getting off his Plasma Torpedoes.

Pallaris Ven

4 points 

Another new X-Wing pilot, we know little about them other than their astromech droid being BR-BA. Their ability lines up well with their new torpedoes, and BR helps counter their low initiative.

Cova Nell

5 points 

The pilot who brought Leia and 3PO to Takodana, Nell's ability helps protect her VIPs while Leia and C-3PO make it the perfect support ship.

Pammich Nerro Goode

3 points 

The final resistance pilot Goode is a fun experiment with double astromech droids and spare parts obstacles letting her drop up to three of them per game.

First Order

Lieutenant Tavson

6 points

Kylo Ren's shuttle pilot, Tavson is a deadly opponent as the more you shoot him, the more powerful he becomes. On top of this Kylo and the prisoner onboard give your opponent some hard choices to make.


4 points 

Retaining his normal ability, the massive draw to this Midnight is the extra shield and the FCS allowing him to use his lock without losing out on his ability!


3 points

This counter version of Midnight makes life worse for an opponent if they lock you. To help counter the low initiative they do have access to Passive Sensors.


3 points 

You may see a pattern with the names here! Daybreak's ability lets them acquire a lock when a shot misses them, which then lets them fire off their missiles.


3 points 

The inverse of Daybreak, Nightfall is a returning pilot from the TIE/wi Whisper, however, as his name worked with the other TIE pilots I've made so far in this pack he makes an appearance here.


3 points

With a much easier ability to use than normal, Static can jam an opponent at close range, or longer range if you've got the ship locked.


3 points

Another new pilot, Skipper can reinforce themselves to reduce incoming fire so their barrel roll pilot ability is better for longer.


3 points

My personal favourite of this pack, Slipstream is a slippery little ship, able to follow after an ally and enemy alike when it moves.


4 points

A cool update for Backdraft, this version can stress an enemy ship and get a free boost off when performing an attack from the rear as if they are pushing off their opponent.

Captain Phasma

4 points

This version of Phasma shows off her deadly strength with an ability similar to Fifth Brother, however at a massive risk. If you miss any attack, all allies that see become stressed out of fear of what Phasma will do to them.


I've always been a massive fan of scenarios in X-Wing, long before we got the standard scenarios we use today. I've enjoyed making this pack and the others that I'll post soon and I hope you do too!

Merry Christmas!

Thank you all for reading.

Watcher Leader out!


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