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Evacuation of D'Qar (Custom Scenario Pack)


Updated: May 23, 2024

I’ve made a load of new custom scenario packs in the same style as the Battle of Yavin and Siege of Coruscant scenario packs we have! 

Today is the first sequel trilogy scenario pack, the Evacuation of D’Qar, depicting the Resistance attack on the First Order ship at the beginning of The Last Jedi. 

To see specifics of the rules, cards, and components that need to be printed, look here! For a quick breakdown of the pack and the standard loadout pilots I made for it, keep reading:


In this scenario, the Resistance player must attack the Fulminatrix, trying to destroy it before it can fire its weapons and destroy the Resistance Base and capital ships. The easiest way to do this is via bombs as they ignore the Fulminatrix’s shields, unlike normal attacks.

To help in the assault, the Resistance can draw away the First Order’s fighters with a single fighter’s distraction, like Poe did while he destroyed the ship's anti-fighter cannons. This single fighter can be placed at range 3 of one of the enemy's two deployment zones. If they do, the enemy must deploy from that deployment zone, meaning the resistance can place their ships tactically and give themselves an extra round or two before they are in attack range.


Like in the official scenario packs, I’ve made ten standard loadout pilots for each faction.


Poe Dameron:

6 points 

In his old Black One X-Wing, Poe has very similar abilities to his normal; however, his reckless behaviour can cause some problems for other pilots near him. The BB-8 is new but is better suited to Poe and his upgrades.

Jaycris Tubbs:

4 points 

With a much better version of his original ability. Tubbs can draw away a lot of red tokens! His upgrades help him deal with his large number of red tokens or avoid using his ability.

Stomeroni Starck

4 points 

A reckless pilot and a part of Blue Squadron. Stomeroni’s ability forces you to boost into close range, which can easily be both a blessing and a curse.

Tallissan Lintra

4 points

In her role as Blue Leader, Tali and her ability help her keep her friends safe, by letting allies ignore strain and deplete tokens. As well as this, she and the other A-Wings in this pack help keep the large ships safe.

Zizi Tol

5 points

Zizi’s ability lets her gain an additional green token, in a similar way to Perceptive Copilot. This makes her a very hard-to-kill ace and rather hard-hitting with her Proton Rockets.


3 points

A personal favourite of mine from early 2.0, Vennie was known as both a Starfortress and A-Wing pilot. Vennie’s new ability is similar to her normal ability, however, not dependent on having focus tokens for it to be useful.

Finch Dallow

6 points

Finch’s ability stays the same as his standard ability, however, The Starfortress in general gains the Trajectory Simulator upgrade as a ship ability which helps it be more deadly and better suited to complete the objective of this pack.

Edon Kappehl

6 points

Edon, like Finch, keeps their ability to more effectively drop devices. As the bomber responsible for causing a chain reaction that destroys a load of bombers, Edon has a Deadman Switch-like ability.

Ben Teene

6 points

The most aggressive bomber attack-wise in the pack. Ben was the pilot to call out the FO’s approach and because of this, he could get off a quick bonus attack after the first enemy ship moved into range.

Shriv Suurgav

5 points

Although Shriv and Zay were not present for the battle they were vital to its success as the operation they and Iden Versio took part in let them gather data on the Fulminatrix and its weak point and so it felt right that they get a place here as well.

First Order:


5 points 

The feared First Order ace returns! Her ability is slightly different with her being able to perform a Snapshot-like attack every round making her a deadly pilot to be reckoned with.

Lieutenant LeHuse

4 points

As Kylo’s wingman and present in the later attack on the Raddus, LeHuse is a deadly ace here, using a Perceptive Copilot and Advanced Optics to hit their target almost every time!


4 points

A pilot of my design, "Shortcut" is a fun idea of a TIE/sf pilot who doesn't care if they shoot through their wing to get their target at the cost of some critical damage!


4 points 

As the only FO pilot we know was present for the battle, of course, "Scorch" should be here. With the same ability and some fun upgrades, he is a deadly addition to the First Order.


3 points 

"Longshot" gets both an upgrade and downgrade to their ability, while next to useless at range 1 they are amazing at range 3, this is even better if you can get your Heavy Laser Cannon off as well!


2 points

Another pilot of my own creation, Renegade is deadly if alone, but as soon as they become entangled in their squadron, they become very easy to hit. However, this does allow them to be cheap.


3 points

I decided this is a cool name for the pilot of the TIE that slams into Edon’s bomber and causes the chain reaction. Because of this, they have a deadly range 0f attack as well as the Unstable Sublight Engines upgrade from Porkins.


4 points 

With an improved pilot ability that works on both attack and defence dice, Ember is suddenly a lot more viable, especially while using Juke as well.


4 points 

The final pilot of my own design, Adrift, is a fun idea for a pilot that flourishes when executing a non-basic manoeuvre with all their upgrades being geared towards performing actions while stressed.

Kylo Ren

7 points

A deadly upgrade to the current Kylo Silencer, this version has a pilot ability you'll actually use! Although he does have a drawback with the conflicted upgrade, he is a deadly addition to the FO.


I've always been a massive fan of scenarios in X-Wing, long before we got the standard scenarios we use today. I've enjoyed making this pack and the others that I'll post soon and I hope you do too!

Thank you all for reading.

Watcher Leader out!


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