I’ve made a load of new custom scenario packs in the same style as the Battle of Yavin and Siege of Coruscant scenario packs we have.
Today's scenario is the Blockade of Hoth. This alongside the Battle of Yavin scenario pack and the still upcoming Battle Above Endor scenario pack, we'll have a scenario for all of the original trilogy films.
To see the specifics of the rules, cards, and components that need to be printed, look here! For a quick breakdown of the pack and the standard loadout pilots I made for it, keep reading:

In the scenario, the rebellion will aim to get at least two GR-75s off the Empire's board edge, avoiding the Imperial blockade of two Star Destroyers and a squadron of fighters.
The Imperial player will try to destroy at least two GR-75s and although they have a pair of Star Destroyers to attack/deploy from, every few rounds the Rebels can fire another burst of Ion Cannon Fire and disable one Star Destroyer and all ships nearby it.
Like in the official scenario packs, I’ve made ten standard loadout pilots for each faction:

Wedge Antilles
5 points
Yet another Wedge card! His ability is an inverse of his normal ability, forcing attackers to roll fewer attack dice when attacking him. As well as this, he has Outmanoeuvre to make him similar to his normal ability.

Luke Skywalker
5 points
This Luke's pilot ability shows off his protective nature and desire to help his friends, he does this by using his force to modify allies' defence dice.

Wes Janson
5 points
Being Rogue Squadron’s joker, Wes can calm stressed allies with his practical jokes at the cost of a jam token, as well as his normal pilot ability to jam enemy ships.

Tarrin Datch
4 points
With a more restrictive version of Hera’s pilot ability and an improved Backwards Tailside, Tarrin is a solid option for keeping his allies protected.

The Countessa
4 points
As Corona Squadron's leader, the Countessa is a solid support pilot, with the ability to remove a red token from a friendly ship as well as having the Squad Leader upgrade.

Thane Kyrell
5 points
With an inverse ability to Maarek Stele, Thane is really useful at keeping his friends safe from those deadly Direct Hits!

4 points
Another member of Corona Squadron, Yendor can ignore his deplete tokens if he has the enemy in his bullseye, allowing him to boost with fewer consequences.

Han Solo
7 points
The benefit of this Solo is the fact he can boost using a speed two template making this an incredibly fast Falcon, despite the risk of the boost failing!

Dash Rendar
7 points
This Dash is designed to use obstacles for cover when possible, gaining an evade action, and two chances to negatively modify a defender's defence dice by using the Outrider and Juke abilities.

7 points
This Leebo is a slightly improved version of himself, with the ability to always have an extra calculate token to hand as long as you don't lock. His Dash gunner shows off Dash and Solo’s similarities.

3 points
Although officially this is another pilot called Howlrunner, in the book 'A Certain Point of View' she is mostly called Howl. Her ability shows off her love for Shadow as well as her skills at piloting with her iconic Mutant Upside Down Koiogran turn.

4 points
The writer of Amara Kel’s Rules for TIE Pilot Survival (Probably), Shadow helps keep herself and Howl safe from danger on top of her pilot ability.

2 points
As a new rookie pilot, Shadow refers to Clipper and the rest of the TIEs in this pack as Cloudflys. This gives them a negative ability, which causes all damage cards to be dealt face-up.

2 points
Dawn's foolish actions that lead her TIE lmost eaten by an Exogorth, put her squad in danger just to keep her alive and her ability reflects this.

2 points
This cowardly Cloudfly, Shockwave, ran at the first sign of danger, so I felt it made sense for his ability to be getting a free boost after a friendly ship is damaged.

2 points
The last Cloudfly, Flameskull, is a follower, so his ability forces him to copy his friend's barrel rolls and boosts making him great to pair with Shockwave.

3 points
A pilot of my design, Mynock enjoys seeing a ship get ionised, so, luckily, his arsenal is geared towards it!

3 points
If a ship chooses to stay close to Flyby’s mines they are in for a surprise lock and extra critical result, and if they do roll or boost away, then they get strained for their troubles!

Ciena Ree
4 points
Although still a bomber, these pilots are now TIE Shuttles with different ship abilities and actions. Ciena’s job during the search through the asteroid field and now with her pilot ability was to help her pilots avoid potential collisions.

Lieutenant Obrax
4 points
A rather brutal flight commander who was responsible for Howl and Shadow’s squadron, Obrax’s ability isn't the best and would only be used in the most desperate situations. However, Needa’s ability shows his desperation to succeed in his search for the Falcon and the consequences Vader inflicts on him when he loses it.
I've always been a massive fan of scenarios in X-Wing, long before we got the standard scenarios we use today. I've enjoyed making this pack and the others that I'll post soon and I hope you do too!
Thank you all for reading.
Watcher Leader out!