I’ve made a load of new custom scenario packs in the same style as the Battle of Yavin and Siege of Coruscant scenario packs we have.
Today's scenario is the Assault on Genossis. Attack of the Clones was a hard film to make a pack for as we only really have one starfighter battle on screen and it was a 1v1 battle. However, I thought it would be cool for the scenario to depict the opening battle of the Clone Wars.
To see the specifics of the rules, cards, and components that need to be printed, look here! For a quick breakdown of the pack and the standard loadout pilots I made for it, keep reading:

In this scenario, both the Republic and Separatists have the same objective, capture and hold the Front Line scenario features with their ground forces. The Clone Trooper and Battle Droid Platoons are both capable of moving slowly across
the battlefield, however, the gunships and shuttles in this pack can carry them across at far greater speeds meaning you will have to use your ships to both transport troops and try to pin down your opponent's troops.
Like in the official scenario packs, I’ve made ten standard loadout pilots for each faction:

Adi Galllia
5 points
Keeping her pilot ability, Adi is a deadly ace preventing range bonuses. However, the advantage of taking this version of her, is that she is flying the Delta 7 prototype making it a Delta 7b until she loses her shields and becomes just a basic Delta 7.

Siri Tachi
4 points
The inverse of her master Adi, Siri can add range bonuses to her rolls. This combined with her Meditative State upgrade makes her hard to hit at the cost of her attack.

Sasee Tiin
5 points
The Jedi Order's second-best pilot to Anakin, Tiin's pilot ability lets him perform an additional purple barrel roll or boost during the system's phase, but his Astromech lets him treat it as red so he isn't too force-starved!

Luminara Unduli
4 points
Luminara gets a slightly modified pilot ability to her normal, letting her increase the number of green dice rolls by two at the cost of her opponent rolling an extra red die.

Barriss Offee
4 points
Having the inverse of her master's ability, Barriss can increase both an attacker's and defender's dice by one with this slightly favouring the attacker. She also has the Disillusioned upgrade showing her dislike of what the Jedi are becoming.

Jedi Guardian
3 points
These semi-generic Jedi are cheap support fighters, lacking the normal CLT upgrade, their main advantage is that they can share their force with other Jedi.

5 points
A custom clone pilot, Mayfly is the pilot of Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padme's gunship. His pilot ability is solid, but his ship ability and upgrades make him shine, turning him into a proper heavy-hitting gunship!

Delta 42
5 points
Although no longer cannon, Deta Squad's handler makes an appearance here with Delta Squad themselves! They are the perfect support ship as well as being more than capable when surrounded by enemies.

6 points
The only standard gunship pilot in this pack, I've made Sicko the pilot of Yoda and Mace's Gunship, with his ship ability and all the Jedi on board, he is a solid supporter ship.

Assault Gunship Ace
5 points
Another semi-generic pilot, the Assault Gunship Aces are more suited for their ship ability and firing their custom Peircer Missiles to take out their opponents.

Sun Fac
5 points
The deadly Geonosian ace is back! With his normal pilot ability and new Ensnaring Tractor Array upgrade, he has never been more deadly!

Brewer Kret
4 points
With a sort of inverse of Sun Fac's ability and a new Gravimetric Boost upgrade, Kret is a hard-to-hit speed demon, using any object to push him around the battlefield.

4 points
With a similar but slightly better pilot ability to normal Chertek is a deadly heavy-hitting ace in a similar style to Sun Fac.

Geonosian Royal Guard
4 points
These ace guards are capable of defending their allies as long as they flank them while using Gravimetric Boost to keep up with their protectee.

4 points
This Geonosian engineer uses his tractor beams to repair allies' faceup damage cards and even hold them together in the event they are destroyed.

4 points
This Geonosian hunter is skilled at capturing prey many times larger than himself. His ability reflects this with him giving out an additional tractor token.

4 points
For the Separatist shuttle, I've made cards for the Rebel's Sheathipede, starting with Nute Gunray's shuttle the Lapiz Cutter. The upgrades show off Nute's cowardly ways with it being designed to run and hide behind others.

5 points
My pilot for Poggel the Lessor, 1066 is designed to work alongside Nantex with it being able to discard tractor tokens and reroll defence dice of tractored ships while Poggel's plans for the Death Star give him ideas on how to improve his allies' attacks with an ability similar to Seventh Fleet Gunner.

5 points
This droid acts as a pilot for General Grevious, who is still attempting to keep himself a secret at this point. His upgrades show this with him getting off a devastating first strike in the hope of eliminating the enemy without being seen.

CIS Troop Transport
4 points
These Sheathipedes are slightly different to the standard, with them being placed on medium bases to represent the longer Sheathipede Type B shuttles used as cargo ships by the CIS. Other than that, the shuttle is designed to be a hub for ships with the Network Calculation ship ability while it is protected by flying B2 Rocket droids.
I've always been a massive fan of scenarios in X-Wing, long before we got the standard scenarios we use today. I've enjoyed making this pack and the others that I'll post soon and I hope you do too!
Thank you all for reading.
Watcher Leader out!